Friday, June 25, 2010


What do you do when you have an hour to kill while your girlfriend is at the salon? Well, after sacrificing my nails on my right hand to serve as a tester for the nail polish color she wanted, I walked outside armed with my handy iPhone to see what I could capture. Just like my jog through Playa Del Rey, this stroll in Santa Monica was a great new avenue to explore. So, with that being said, I got my Hipstamatic app ready and started shooting. I just had to be careful not to get the fresh nail polish in various colors on my iPhone. Enjoy...

Thursday, June 17, 2010


As a designer, it's the ultimate tightrope walk. Especially when designing anything for a mass market consumer. How cool can you make something while still making in functional? Think outside the box, but don't go too far...Will the end consumer value this? Or will your idea simply fall through the cracks and into your handy cylindrical file under the desk? So, this morning I came across this...

It's the "timeless" watch from Rogan and it's awesome. The idea that you can take something so functional and strip it of those parts and still keep it relevant and desirable is a designers dream. It got me thinking and I love that.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


In keeping with the theme of pictures taken at night, here are some of my favorites from the streets of Hong Kong. This urban landscape is vast, bustling and smells like it too. Underground malls along side towering apartment buildings and a view from any window seat along the harbor that can't be put into words, this place is truly unique. I've spent a lot of time in Hong Kong on development trips and feel like I've only seen about 10% of the city. Between meetings, factory tours and the 20 person vendor dinner, there is usually just enough time for a quick shop before your on the 14 hour plane ride back to the states. Now, with that being said, there was one trip I had a free night to myself between my time in Hong Kong and a research trip to Tokyo on the way home. I took that opportunity to wonder around the city an take some shots of anything that caught my eye. Here are some of my favorites. Enjoy...

Saturday, June 12, 2010


One of my favorite things to do in the world is take a midnight walk through Tokyo for some evening photos. If you are ever in the area, skip a night out at the bar, grab an Asahi tall boy from the vending machine and take a walk armed with your favorite camera to get lost for a while...just be sure to bring a business card with map and address of the hotel you are staying at for quick and painless taxi ride home. Oh, and make sure the hotel name and map on the card is written in Japanese or you will spend your night in the back seat of the taxi trying to mime your way home. OK, now back to the good stuff...This place is like no other, there are layers and layers of buildings, killer back alleys and new spots organically sprouting up all the time. While traveling for work we are trained to absorb everything we see around us like a sponge on these research trips. I know spending the day shopping in Tokyo sounds like more fun than work, but looking at shop after shop while strategically taking photos of everything you can without being discovered by one of the many shop keeps can take it's toll. This is a serious mission. When three or more American dudes walk into a boutique in the middle of the day they know what we are doing. It becomes a cat and mouse game with many things to take into account. Divide and conquer, avoid being caught by the many strategically placed mirrors, and my personal favorite, walk up to the guy at the register unfolding my handy map of the city and act like a lost puppy while the rest of the guys snap away detailed shots of the product undetected. So, with that being said, these shots at night and midnight walks are like a cool down walk after a five mile run to the pier and back. They make it all worth while. Here are a couple of my favorite shots from such nights in Tokyo. Enjoy...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So lately I've been obsessing over buying a new camera. I asked everyone I know, looked at all the reviews and checked all the websites. After consulting with Randy, I was set on the new micro four thirds GF1. I even sold my iMAC desktop this past weekend to free up the cash needed and when I had the Panasonic Lumix GF1 in my hand at Samy's camera in Santa Ana on 6pm on Saturday night, I just couldn't pull the trigger. So, with that being said, I have been going through my photos from past travels abroad and finding some gems. Which made me think, do I really need a new camera? Should I use the cash I would spend to travel somewhere new instead? My point and shoot Lumix does the trick and in fits in my pocket where ever I go. I then decided to revisit some killer night shots taken using the slow-shutter mode. These photo's are taken without a flash and leaving the shutter open for a full second letting in the true light as you view it. I'm starting off this series with some shot's I took in London at the end of last year. Enjoy...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Here are a couple more shots from my evening jog through Playa Del Rey. Just showing that inspiration is around every corner.

Monday, June 7, 2010


We all need a little recharge now and then. The proverbial kick in the ass or shot in the arm to get the creative juices flowing. Personally, I like to hit the streets. There is nothing like a jog around a city or town taking in everything with a new perspective and taking life at a new pace. It could even be somewhere you know very well, right outside your door perhaps, but you will find yourself picking up on things you never knew were even there. Tonight I decided to go for one such jog just outside my girlfriends house in Playa Del Rey. Tucked in between the beach and LAX, Playa Del Rey is truly a unique place I have grown to love. With an amazing mix of urban living and a fun loving coastal vibe I have never met it's equal. So, with that being said, here are a couple shots from my recharge jog through Playa. Enjoy...

Friday, June 4, 2010


Memorial weekend marks the official start of summer here in southern California and it never hurts when the beautiful weather co insides with a three day weekend either. I spent the weekend up and down the coast enjoying time with family and friends and took a couple snapshots along the way. Pacific Coast Highway was packed, the grill was hot, the beer was flowing, the kids were playing and the sunset was beautiful. Just another great weekend in So Cal.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


In keeping with the playoff theme and not to mention the advancement of my Lakers to the NBA finals, I wanted to give you all the play-by-play on how everything turned out for Rando and his art show. When I last left him he had finished a day of hope and heartache getting 3 out 5 pieces complete for the show the next night, figuring out how to transport the finished pieces to the show without the neon breaking and picking up the final pieces of neon to hang in the show. He managed to come through at the last minute in true Kobe/ Rando fashion. Here are the pictures he sent me the next day from the opening.

Check out the show info here: